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国外旅游注意事项有那些英语 国外旅游注意事项有那些


When traveling abroad, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and take precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. Here are some tips for traveling abroad that can help you stay safe and have a great time:

1. Research your destination: Before you go, research the country you are visiting. Learn about the culture, customs, laws, and any potential safety risks. This will help you prepare for your trip and make sure you know what to expect when you arrive.

2. Get vaccinated: Make sure you are up-to-date on all of your vaccinations before traveling abroad. Some countries may require certain vaccinations in order to enter the country, so make sure to check with your doctor or local health department before leaving.

3. Pack light: When packing for your trip, try to pack light so that you don’t have too much luggage to carry around with you. This will make it easier for you to move around and explore without having to worry about lugging heavy bags around.

4. Stay connected: Make sure that someone back home knows where you are going and when they can expect to hear from you while on your trip. It is also important to keep in touch with family or friends while abroad in case of an emergency.

5. Be aware of scams: Be aware of common scams in the area that you are visiting so that you can avoid them while on your trip. Do not give out personal information or money unless absolutely necessary.

6. Learn some basic phrases: Learning some basic phrases in the language spoken at your destination can be very helpful when communicating with locals or getting around town. Even if it’s just a few words or phrases, it can go a long way in making your trip more enjoyable.

7. Stay alert: Always be aware of your surroundings when traveling abroad and trust your instincts if something doesn’t feel right. Avoid walking alone at night and keep valuables close by at all times.

8. Have fun: Most importantly, remember to have fun! Traveling abroad is an amazing experience that should be enjoyed without worrying too much about safety risks or potential problems.









  1、 护照(签证)及相关身份证件、机票/火车票、行程单、世界信用卡(visa或master)、部分现金(外币)。

  2、 日常用品:洗漱用品(牙膏、牙刷、毛巾、沐浴露、洗发水等)、剃须刀、雨伞、墨镜、纸笔、护肤品、化妆品等。

  3、 随身衣物:根据目的地气候挑选适合的衣裤袜子等衣物。

  4、 常见药品:创可贴、感冒药、消炎药、肠胃药、晕车药、驱蚊水等个人疾病常备药。

  ps: 在出境前先去银行或机场等当地兑换一些外币,基本上国内取现都是比在国外取合算的,现金不需要取太多,国外消费基本都是刷卡。

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