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澳大利亚的首都在哪里(英语) 澳大利亚的首都在哪里


Australia is a country located in the southern hemisphere, and its capital city is Canberra. Canberra is located in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), which is a self-governing territory within Australia. It is the largest inland city in Australia and the eighth-largest city overall.

Canberra was chosen as the capital of Australia in 1908, after a long debate between Sydney and Melbourne over which city should be the nation's capital. The two cities were considered to be too close to each other, so it was decided that a new capital should be established somewhere else. After much deliberation, Canberra was chosen as the site for Australia's new capital due to its location between Sydney and Melbourne, as well as its proximity to other major cities such as Brisbane and Adelaide.

Canberra has grown significantly since it was first established as Australia's capital city. It now has a population of over 400,000 people and is home to many government departments and institutions, including Parliament House, the High Court of Australia, and numerous embassies. The city also boasts many cultural attractions such as galleries, museums, theatres, parks and gardens.

Canberra is known for its unique blend of urban sophistication and natural beauty. The city has been designed with an emphasis on open spaces and natural features such as lakes, rivers and mountains. This makes it an ideal destination for visitors who want to experience both urban life and nature at its best.

Canberra is also home to some of Australia's most iconic landmarks such as Parliament House, Old Parliament House (now home to the Museum of Australian Democracy), Lake Burley Griffin (the centrepiece of Canberra's urban design) and Mount Ainslie (which offers stunning views over the city).

In conclusion, Canberra is an important part of Australian history and culture. It has grown from a small town into one of Australia's most vibrant cities with plenty to offer visitors from all around the world.






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